Confessions of a dilettante poet

I am a dilettant. I am not thorough. I don’t haver a plan. I lack depth. I just stumble on.

Some days ago I was reading some Haiku poems. They caught me in a moment of sadness and defeat. And they touched my soul.

Haiku is a Japanese poem tradition that has a very clear structure and form. Original Haiku poems consist of three phrases in three lines with a number of 5 syllables in the first line, 7 in the second and 5 in the third. The message of a Haiku poem is concise and to the point.

My mind is sometimes a weird guy. And it collects influences from outside in a very unique way and then decides how to process them and how to spit them out in the form of poems. Exactly that happened with the Haiku inspired poems. My mind read them, processed them and all of a sudden I found 4 poems on my iPad that looked slightly like Haiku poems. But they aren’t. Because that guy didn’t even know about the requirements of structure and form. And the mind just did its own thing. Three of them ended up in the “New Poems” section of the website. “Poems of a venomous man.”

So I warn you. I am a dilettante. And my mind is weird…..